Wednesday, March 14, 2007

McBenning School Update

It has been a busy week. So far we have gone to the dentist, and the orthodontist. Both are 140 miles round trip. The flexibility of homeschooling has afforded us many opportunities. Weeks like this are easy to fit in the schedule thanks to coordinating with the staff of the children's school!(Me:)

Having three in braces has made us alter some of the finances, but we have managed. I am now preparing for my youngest to get braces. I believe that the orthodontist thinks she will be ready in the fall. So I must figure in this expense. Fortunately we do have insurance, but our copay is not small.

Next week we are having Spring Break. I need to detail the house and they would like a break!

This Friday our homeschool group will be meeting at White Sands. I can't wait to show how kids in the desert southwest play!

I am also in charge of our homeschool field day, to be held last Friday in April. I will update each week the status of plans.

Grammar studies are going quite well. I have used Wanda Phillips Grammar program for 8 years, and it is wonderful. We are almost finished with our Biography Studies.

In Staffing Education News: Full Time Staff- Old Testament Kings, Proverbs, Book of Philippians, Marriage Counseling, Science-the Battle for the Beginning, and Church Missions Programs. Part Time Staff-Introduction to Evangelism, Introduction to Theology 201