Thursday, November 8, 2007

School Is Cool

Busy at the McBenning School. Students P.E. class was at the local roller rink! Boy the kids had a great time. Plus they met a boy(16) from Liberia. Elijah was very interested in the Contenders of the Faith program.

Bill had an opportunity to meet with Elijah's parents and explain that this is a program for Christians. It is a fellowship of boys and quite a learning experience too. Oh and fun also!! Bill is planning a get together of the group for a paintball activity. Just to get together and play and have fun. Bill has not started the program for the school year yet...things have been slightly busy.

Being the mom that I am, I used the opportunity about meeting Elijah with learning a bit about Liberia!!

I am almost finished with the rough draft of my home school packet. I have felt for a long time that those who home school are overwhelmed with the curricula out there. At the beginning I felt the same, but have created my own program. Home schooling should not be costly, nor filled with so much that one has no time. Home school offers a unique way to educate the child. So for probably the first time, I am officially stating that enough is enough, and as home school parents there is a limit to what you should buy.

More still to come,

1 comment:

Momma Roar said...

I'm so glad you called it PE and not gym (sorry, old habits die hard!)

Can't wait to see your ideas!